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Aussie Outback Core

Throughout my needle felting journey, I have found the limited variety of core in Australia to be debilitating. This created a personal quest for me to create my own core flock. Whilst this flock was growing I managed to source some amazing local fibres which allowed me to support small local shepherds. I feel very privileged to share my limited releases of boutique Aussie Outback Core with you.



Raw: straight from the sheep's back to you. Guaranteed VM and second cuts.

Washed: lovingly washed but unprocessed. Some VM and second cuts.

Batts: washed, picked and carded. Minimal VM and second cuts.

'I congratulate you on the way you have presented the tutorial – you girls must have had fun making yet another little creature and photographing every step of the way.'
- Jill Randall
Art a Peel, Mandurah


Reena Lee Creations

0428 465 777

© Copyright by Reena Lee Creations.
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